Community Service Committee

The Community Service Committee will coordinate volunteer opportunities for BALRA members to give back to the communities in which we work and live…

Diversity Committee

The Diversity Committee shall be responsible for creating opportunities for law schools and law firms to work together on strategies to attract, re…

Holiday Social Committee

The Holiday Committee shall be responsible for coordinating and organizing the annual Holiday Social including (but not limited to) the budget, ven…

Mini-Conference Committee

The Mini-Conference Committee coordinates all aspects of the annual BALRA Mini-Conference…

Networking Committee

The Networking Committee shall be responsible for coordinating networking events and the NALP networking reception of the organization…

Programming Committee

The Programming Committee shall be responsible for selecting the topics of and engaging the speakers for specific meetings of the organization…

Technology & PR Committee

The Technology Committee is responsible for maintaining our online presence via our website and LinkedIn, uploading and maintaining job announce…

Mentoring & Member Engagement Committee

The Mentoring & New Member Engagement Committee shall work to integrate new members into the organization, and to establish, promote, and facil…


Board Liaison

Co-Chair 1

Co-Chair 2

Member 1

Member 2

Community Service

Maria Lawton

Sharon Mettler

Amy Kimmel


Precious Woods

Esmeralda Maldonado

Fernando Romo


Holiday Social

Precious Woods

Lexi Brown

Michelle Llerena

Ashley Grinchis

Mentoring & New Member Engagement

Caitlin Caglia-Hilty

Hedvy Gregg

Jenny Li


Stephanie Winstead

Alex Doll

Amy Kimmel

Precious Woods

Mayra Barriga - on leave


Whittley Pike

Fernando Romo

Technology & PR

Amy Hathaway

Anelis Acevedo


Emily Pizinger

Stacy Coglianese